Art Collection

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 Tips On Selling Your Art

Other than informing your prospective buyers on the basics of your artworks, how much you
are selling them, and who are the people who have bought from you, there are still some
other things you can do to make the probability of the sale hike up even higher. Here are
some of them.
Show Pictures Of Your Pictures
One way to encourage your prospective buyers to buy your art is by showing them photos of
how other art collectors have made use or displayed the pieces they have bought from you.
Seeing your pieces in working or living environments can be a great encouraging factor. If
you do not have that many collectors yet, you can show them pictures of how you, yourself
displayed your art in different kinds of environments.
If your prospect is someone who is not really that familiar with art, doing this tip can be very
helpful and fruitful. Since they may be having some difficulty in imagining how or where they
would display the piece, if ever they bought it from you. It can also be the case that they
can‟t really picture how the piece would look like in their office or home.
Be Service Oriented
If you really want to make a sale, then your attitude should show that you do so. Try to make
time for transactions and meetings regarding your art. Also, try to make yourself available as
much as possible to deliver your piece to the collectors‟ home or office

Art Dealers Association Of America Art Appraisals

This association has been existing for more than fort-five years already. Their service has
been appraising different artworks for tax purposes. A lot of collectors and museums have
asked their help in determining the value of many important artworks, ranging from
contemporary art installations to old master paintings. Their appraisals have exceptional
acceptance records with the IRS. They‟re also well-known because of their professional

Chicago Appraisers Association 

Don‟t be fooled by their association‟s name. They‟re not just one appraiser with a limited
knowledge in a single area, specifically Chicago; instead, they‟re one whole team of certified
experts that are ready to help you with your appraising needs. If you checkout their website,
you can find some helpful articles on appraising and some of the frequently asked questions
in the field, answered.

The International Society of Appraisers 

This member-driven and non-profit association was formed to help its member‟s needs and
provide public service by making ethical, highly qualified, recognized appraisers for the field
of personal property appraisals. They have a lot of prestigious members who are
independent and respected appraisers, estate liquidators, auctioneers, consultants, dealers
and gallery owners.
So, if you want to make sure that you‟re getting the right appraisal for your artwork at hand,
then try asking for help from such credited institutions

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